Tefcold Coldroom 180x180x220

Kellys HC
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Cold room panels with 120 mm insulation

TEFCOLDs cold room panels are quick to assemble with an easy interlocking system. The interchangeable modular panels allow different positioning of the door, so you can build the room to fit your space. Cold rooms offer an efficient and affordable solution to chilled bulk storage, and are often used in restaurants, delis, cafes, and in the storage rooms of shops and supermarkets. Our range of cold room panels are equipped with an effective polyurethane insulation. Combine the panels with one of our energy efficient monoblock refrigeration units for high cooling performance and low energy consumption. In terms of accessories, you have the option of a ramp to provide easy access with lightweight trolleys and bakery racks (the room is not suitable for pallet jacks/pallet trucks). We also offer shelf rack system kits for optimizing storage space. We also offer cold room panels with a wide door (see WD models). The panels are not suitable for outdoor use.


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